Environment & Sustainability
Taking our responsibilities seriously
Christmas Creations recognises its responsibility for the environment ensuring compliance with all current and future legislation. We are committed to providing an essential quality service in a manner that ensures sustainable and environmental management is a valid part of all we do.

Commitments, Intent and Show of Support
To minimise carbon emissions employees are encouraged to use public transport and car share where possible
We are optimising the use of renewable solar energy; our power at our headquarters is provided by Solar panels
Energy efficient lighting in the form of low energy LED are used throughout Christmas Creations
Our Fresh Christmas trees are grown locally in Oxfordshire, this allows us to select the freshest trees and get them to
the customer quickly and with minimal transportation
Our shatterproof baubles are made from recycled plastic and produced in Europe for reduced environmental impact
We are proud to work with a British manufacturer who produce our artificial garlands and wreaths
To reduce emissions our artificial Christmas trees are manufactured in Europe using recycled PVC material
Managing our tree consumption on the surrounding area and impact on the natural wildlife every fresh Christmas tree
felled at least two are planted
We strive to operate a paperless office by sending documents electronically
Ensure our current electrical elements conform to the RoHS and WEEE directives
To maximise recycling opportunities and minimise waste sent to landfill it is segregated into separate streams:
Vision, Goals and Objectives to achieve
Educate, train and promote employees about integrating environmental concerns and issues of their actions and how it impacts on their decisions, tasks and activities ensuring all work in an environmentally responsible manner
Communicate with local advisors to improve our overall environmental credentials, making a representative available for point of contact if required to encourage this
Promote materials that have future longevity such as raw materials, none corrosive and ones that are eco-friendly
Reduce the amount of waste produce at all times of practice by recycling and re-using existing products or purchasing
recycled, recyclable and refurbished elements
Avoid use of unnecessary hazardous materials and products protecting all surrounding areas and persons when used,
stored or disposing
Minimise noise, gases, liquids and fumes pollution emitted into the atmosphere where possible develop appropriate
emergency cleaning and spillage responses
Monitor the usage of non-renewable produce, water and electricity.
- Green waste – green waste is shredded on our site and composted down to use on neighbouring fields
- Paper/Cardboard – Our paper and cardboard is sent to a local paper mill to be made into new paper, it is the oldest working paper mill in the England
- Electrical – Lights and cables are sent to be recycled at the end of their life
- Metal – Alloys and Ferrous metals are separated for recycling to have a second life
- General waste – We are constantly reducing our general waste and have set a target of Net Zero by 2028.